
Young Adults


Adoremus (“Let us Adore”) is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration held at St. Joseph's Basilica from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM on the first Saturday of every month. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available and music will be provided by St. Joseph Basilica's Schola Cantorum led by Roderick Bryce.
Please join us afterward in the Basilica basement for a social (refreshments provided).
See you there!

For more information, contact C-YEG at rhttps://www.facebook.com/p/C-YEG-100081874250009/



Credo (I Believe) is a coffee-house style evening of Catholic Apologetics. It is held from 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM at Newman Theological College. The evening begins with Compline (Night Prayer in the Divine Office), followed by a talk, group discussions, Q&A, and concluding with a social (refreshments provided).
This year we will be joined by different members of the college community to go through the Nicene Creed section by section. A social and light refreshments will follow.
Credo is geared towards young adults (ages 15 – 30) but all are welcome!

For more information, contact C-YEG at rhttps://www.facebook.com/p/C-YEG-100081874250009/



C-YEG is a vibrant and welcoming community of Catholic young adults in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Open to young adults of any faith background interested in being part of a Catholic community. 

Email catholicyeg@gmail.com for more information. You can also come and check out their Facebook page here, to keep track of upcoming events in the Archdiocese.