
Parish News

Priest’s Retreat

Our priests will be away on retreat September 3-6, 2024.  There will only be a 5:30 pm Mass from Tuesday to Friday.   There will be no Mass at 12:05 pm, and there will be no confessions during their absence.

Eucharistic Adoration

First Friday Adoration will not be held in September due to the priests being away at their retreat.  We will resume again in October.

Safety Concerns

We have received concerns regarding persons panhandling around the church and by the parking area.  These are vulnerable folks who require help, however, giving them money only increases the risks for them, ourselves, and our fellow parishioners.  We have witnessed them later in an intoxicated state and they may require medical assistance, cause a nuisance in and around the church, or worse!  Safety of our parishioners, visitors, and staff is our priority and we recommend you refrain from assisting these individuals with money.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Becoming Catholic (RCIA)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way adults come to learn about and experience the Christian life, specifically our Roman Catholic tradition.  They become initiated into the life of our Church through the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.  The journey is one of growing discipleship, determined by individual readiness. Everyone's faith journey is unique, and we strive to honour that. 

Classes are held Wednesday evenings starting September 25.  If you are interested in being initiated into the Roman Catholic Church, please contact Deacon Chris at 780-717-5012 or Christopher.Ashdown@caedm.ca.

RCIA Volunteers Needed

Do you wish to share your Catholic faith and assist inquirers in their spiritual journeys?  Consider volunteering with the RCIA team as a Sponsor or Catechist.  To be eligible, you must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, be at least 16 years of age and be a practicing Catholic.  RCIA sessions will be held Wednesday evenings starting September 25.

For more information and to apply, please contact Deacon Chris after Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass, at Christopher.Ashdown@caedm.ca or 780-717-5012.

Basilica Seniors Group

Our next gathering will be on Wednesday, September 11, after the noon mass.  Please call the office at (780) 488-7295 to register so we can prepare enough food for the number of people attending.


St. Joseph’s Basilica CWL Council
Date: September 15, 2024
Time: 12:00 Noon
Location: Chateau Louis Hotel
11727 Kingsway Avenue, Edmonton

Ticket: $45.00/person

Tickets sales have been extended to September 8, 2024 and will be available before and after the weekend masses. Payable by cash or cheque (made out to “CWL St. Joseph’s Basilica”) or send an e-transfer to cwltreasurerstjosephsbasilica@gmail.com

Tickets will not be available at the door.

Fall GiFT Offerings from OLPH

Two adult faith formation programs are being offered online via Zoom by GiFT at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. All GiFT Offerings are open to everyone.

The first option is “The Bible Timeline”, Mondays, September 16 - December 2, 2024.

The second option is “Hebrews”, Thursdays, September 19 - November 7, 2024.

Contact Alana at alaperle@telus.net or call/text 780-446-9009 if you have questions or would like to register.

Catholic Renewal Services

Join the Catholic Renewal Services on Sept 13-15 for their Fall Conference, From Glory to Glory, at Corpus Christi Catholic Parish.  Barbara Heil & Maria Vadia, two international Catholic evangelists, will be delivering this important message to the Church.   For more information go to https://crsedmonton.ca/FallConference2024.

CEASE Human Trafficking

The Catholic Women’s League of Corpus Christi Parish invites you to a discussion on Human Trafficking and Exploitation, presented by CEASE (Centre to Empower All Survivors of Exploitation and Trafficking)

When: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Corpus Christi Parish Hall

Everyone is welcome to attend this workshop.

Archbishop’s Dinner - October 4, 2024

Archbishop Richard Smith warmly invites you to the Archbishop’s Dinner on October 4, 2024, Friday, 5:00 pm at the Edmonton Convention Centre. 

The Archbishop's Dinner is an annual event that brings together Catholics from across the Archdiocese. This year’s gathering offers a wonderful chance to engage with fellow Catholics and hear the Archbishop discuss our Pastoral and Evangelical Priorities.

Enjoy a delightful meal, connect with your community, and leave with an updated Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Smith.

Register now and take advantage of the early bird rate (until September 8th) by clicking here!

Rectory Constuction Update


Thank you to everyone for your support and consideration throughout the ongoing Rectory Construction.  We encourage you to continue parking either across the street or in the NE corner of the Connelly-McKinley lot in order to ensure the safety of ourselves and our vehicles.  We appreciate your understanding.

Employment Opportunity

We’re hiring a Principal Organist and Assistant Director of Music!  If you, or someone you know, has a proven record of exemplary organ performance at the highest levels, we encourage you to apply.

The job description has now been amended to better reflect the duties, which are far from onerous and easily done within the average of 14 hours/week scope. Please take a look and consider sharing with others. Thank you.

For details and additional information, click here.

Organ Renewal Project

The Organ Renewal Project is now reaching its culmination, and we give thanks to Almighty God for all the generosity, creativity and hard work that has gone into this 7-year project.

We have managed to address all 3 stages
1. Restoration of our original gallery organ;
2. Installation of a new chancel organ;
3. Enlargement of the gallery organ of the full project with
only some minor revisions to the third and final stage.

We now possess two flexible instruments - a unique scenario in Western Canada. Both organs work independently or are playable together by just one organist. This new set-up is excellent for our needs as a metropolitan cathedral-basilica and puts us in an advantageous position for the next 50+ years, allowing for all our liturgical needs with both cantors and choirs, and allowing improved use for concerts of sacred music. 

Throughout the process, we have published updates on the various stages of the project, including the financial cost of such a massive undertaking. Organs are an excellent way of permanently memorializing loved ones. Our Casavant gallery organ is the Archdiocesan memorial to the fallen of both World Wars, and paid for by many individual donations in 1963 on behalf of lost loved ones. In 2017, an anonymous donor gifted the Basilica $300,000 to restore and upgrade the existing gallery, covering the costs for stage 1. At the completion of that first stage in 2021, a further donor kindly gifted $200,000 in memory of a beloved grandfather for the second (and a greatly reduced third) stage, which enabled us to purchase a second-hand Casavant instrument. We are indebted to all these benefactors for their generosity stemming from a desire to inspire beautiful music to enhance our Catholic worship and cultural witness. These donations have enabled us to realize our musical vision.

In order to complete the wooden casework and conceal the visible pipes and organ mechanisms, an additional $150,000 needs to be raised.  Please consider making a donation today to support this endeavor. Thank you for your continued generosity and support.

Communion for Sick & Homebound

If you or a family member is ill or cannot make it to mass in person, we do have a ministry that will take communion to people.  Please call the office to request a visit.

Respect for our beautiful Basilica

Recently, there has been an increase in the amount of garbage left in the church pews and on the floor following masses.  Our employees have been regularly gathering up disposable cups, candy and gum wrappers and other types of refuse. 

There are trash containers by the Holy Water fonts and at the rear of the Narthex for your use.  Please leave any trash you have in the containers on your way out.

If we all cooperate and show respect for our Basilica, it will remain a beautiful and tranquil location for many years to come.

loading zone reminder

A few months ago we had a 15 minute loading zone installed in front of the sidewalk leading to the accessibility door to better accommodate parishioners with mobility issues.  This zone is for drop off and pick up of passengers ONLY!  Frequently, parishioners try to park in the two hour zone in front of the church or office, but only a small part of their vehicle is in the parking area and the rest is in the loading zone.  If your vehicle does not completely fit between the parking signs, you are likely blocking the loading zone.  Please be courteous to your fellow parishioners who require the use of the zone and park in designated parking areas or in the lot across the street.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Church Etiquette

As Catholics, there are certain guidelines we must follow to ensure we receive the sacraments validly and to simply respect our beautiful Basilica. When attending mass, it is proper to do the following:

· Arrive early to ensure you are properly settled and ready to worship God.  If you are arriving during or after the homily, you are late and will disrupt those that arrived on time.

· Dress modestly and appropriately before the Lord.  Men and boys, kindly remove hats, toques, etc.

· Make the Sign of the Cross with holy water upon entering the Church.

· Fasting is an obligation for a minimum of 1 hour prior to mass, except medicine, water or if someone is ill and needs to eat. 

· Please do not bring any food or beverages into the sacred space of our Basilica.  Chewing gum is also considered impolite.

· Turn your cell phone off or to silent mode.

· Say Amen before receiving the Body of Christ. Amen means 'it is true' or 'let it be so'. 
It is important that all Catholics who are receiving Communion respond with ONLY “Amen” and not “Thank You”.

· If you receive communion in your hand, consume the host immediately. Do not take it back to your pew.

· Refrain from conversations in the Nave of the Church, they are disruptive to those who are trying to pray. 

· Don’t exit the church until after the final song and after the priest has completed the recessional procession.



Our heartfelt thanks to parishioners and friends who continue to support the parish. Your support is essential to us as we continue our mission.

To make an e-transfer email SJB.etransfer@caedm.ca or click the button below to donate.


Archdiocese News

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Groundskeeper/Labourer – Edmonton Catholic Cemeteries

Friday, August 30, 2024

We have an opportunity for a full time Groundskeeper / Labourer at Holy Cross Cemetery located in Edmonton. The responsibilities include support to maintain the gravesites, lawns, flowerbeds, shrubbery and trees; assist in opening and closing graves; prepare monument foundations; maintain all buildings in a clean and organized condition and operate groundskeeping equipment in a safe manner.

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Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

This weekend, September 1st, is the Day of Prayer for Care of Creation. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2024 https://youtu.be/GifoWfQuaOM The theme of the message is “Hope and Act with Creation.” Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care […]

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Tribunal Auditor (ITE) and Administrative Coordinator (ITE and Chancery) – Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton (CAEDM) gladly invites you to join us on the exciting venture of friendship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is our Life. Transformed by His truth and love, we find hope and joy by living in His Word. Position The Archdiocese is currently looking for a Tribunal Auditor […]

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Secretary/Receptionist – twin parishes of St. Agnes and St. Anthony, Edmonton

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton (CAEDM) gladly invites you to join us on the exciting venture of friendship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is our Life. Transformed by His truth and love, we find hope and joy by living in His Word. The team member in this position provides skilled secretarial and […]

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Obituary: Rev. Vernon Regis, July 27, 1936 – Aug. 22, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024

We have received word that Fr. Vernon Regis, a retired priest of our Archdiocese, died yesterday, August 22, 2024, in Sri Lanka.\ Fr. Vernon was born on July 27, 1936, in Dehiwala, Sri Lanka. He was an avid cricket and soccer fan his entire life, which he also played in school and college. Fr. Vernon […]

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