Dear Parishioner:
Thank you for your interest in parish stewardship and volunteering at St. Joseph’s Basilica. As Catholics, and as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are all called to actively serve others as He did. I encourage you to fully explore the opportunities that exist to become more involved in the life of our parish as a volunteer or member of one of our groups. “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)
St. Joseph’s Basilica is a vibrant, ethnically diverse parish with over thirty active parish ministries, committees and groups. Please see below a sampling of ministries and roles in which you might consider serving:
Liturgical Ministries: Usher, Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Altar Server, Choir Member, and Children’s Liturgy Leader or Assistant
Faith Formation: Sacramental Preparation Assistant, and RCIA sponsor
Parish Groups: Legion of Mary, Catholic Women’s League, and Knights of Columbus
Other: Pastoral Care Visitor, Gardening or Maintenance Volunteer
The process to apply is twofold: first, speak directly with a priest if you are interested in one of the Liturgical Ministries; for all other ministries, please contact the Ministry Coordinator listed at the link below. Second, apply in writing by submitting the Volunteer Information Form and signing the Covenant of Care form. Links to these forms are also available below this message and should be turned in to the parish office once they are completed. If you have any questions about volunteering or need more information, please contact the office at 780-488-7295.
Thank you for your interest in parish stewardship and volunteering at St. Joseph’s Basilica. May God’s blessing and guidance be present to you as you discern these options for service.
Fr. Joseph Vadassery
Rector, St. Joseph Basilica